Pennsylvania Environmental Resource Consortium

 Higher Education connecting, collaborating and taking action


now that spring semester is over

03 Jun 2014 10:19 PM | Deleted user

Penn state Behrend does  not compost or have any food donations over the summer as our cafeteria is mostly closed and our residence halls are empty.

Over the summer we will let our current compost pile cure, test it to ensure it is finished through the Ag lab at University Park and through a phytotoxin test at our own lab. When we verify that the compost is finished we strain it and use it around our campus.

Penn State Behrend received the2014 Waste Management Environmental Excellence Award for our successful composting program. We will receive this award on Monday, June 23rd.

Since the beginning of our compost program in 2009 we have diverted 122,248 lbs. of food residuals from our landfill. We learned a lot by composting this winter.  The program continues to expand. It now involves student workers, Housing and Food and Maintenance and Operations.

We had some miscommunication with our food donations toward the end of the semester. But, we worked out these issues and, I believe, I have a good student group to get it up and moving forward for fall semester.

We started a small herb garden by our kitchen to grow, dry and freeze herbs for our kitchen. We continue to buy locally and look for ways to reduce food waste at purchase point.

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