Higher Education connecting, collaborating and taking action
Note: registration is closed.
Lessons Learned at Penn State on Making the Case for Strategic Sustainability Planning and Measuring the Results
We want people to change, but often for the wrong reasons. As people working on organizational change towards sustainability, we all know change is needed. Our combined environmental and social challenges require changes of every institution, business and community.
Erik Foley and Jeremy Bean of Penn State's Sustainability Institute have discovered a simple truth about sustainability: people will change for their reasons, not yours.
Too often, sustainability initiatives are implemented from “outside in”--and the people who should be engaged are instead resistant. When you work from the “inside out,” the perception changes and people start to own their responsibility for increasing sustainability.
Whether you are a sustainability officer, a member of your institution’s green team, or in the highest levels of administration on your campus, if you want to move sustainability forward more effectively, this workshop was designed with you in mind.
Go to the full event description page for much more detail AND a video from Jeremy and Erik.
This event is made possible by the Sustainability Institute and by PSU's Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Management as well as Sodexo, Schneider Electric and the rest of PERC's sponsors. Thank you.
PERC - Pennsylvania Environmental Resource Consortium
connect. collaborate. take action copyright PERC 2021