Pennsylvania Environmental Resource Consortium

 Higher Education connecting, collaborating and taking action


Changing Times: PERC 2016 Fall Conference and Annual Meeting

  • 24 Oct 2016
  • 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Pasquerilla Spiritual Center, Penn State University, University Park, PA
  • 58


  • Comped registration. Free. For PERC employees and keynotes

Registration is closed

PERC's Fall Conference &
2016 Annual Meeting

Click here for the detailed event description

Keynote Speaker: Richard Alley, Evan Pugh Professor of Geosciences, Penn State, is the host of the PBS series "Earth, the Operator's Manual" author of seven books. Dr. Alley will speak on "Finding a Better Future in Changing Times: Energy, Environment, and Sustainability." Dr. Alley is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and author of several IPCCC assessment reports. Don't miss this inspiring talk.

The schedule for the day... 

Click here for the detailed event description

8:00 AM Registration/ Networking/ Coffee and light breakfast
9:00 AM Welcome/Intros/ Sponsor recognition
9:10 AM The Big Ten Prospectus and what it could mean for sustainability in higher ed: Denice Wardrup, Director, PSU's Sustainability Institute
9:20 AM A fresh look at renewables in higher ed: Chris O'Brien, Altenex
9:45 AM Putting a price on carbon--on the campus: Aurora Winslade, Swarthmore
10:10AM Student Host Organization: PSU's Net Impact
10:15AM Break/ Networking
10:35AM DCNR-Think Outside-w/DCNR Dep. Sec Mike Walsh
11:05AM PERC Business
11:20AM Sponsor Spotlight
11:30AM Keynote: 
Finding a Better Future in Changing Times: Energy, Environment, and Sustainability 
Richard Alley, Evan Pugh Professor of Geosciences, PSU, author and Host of the PBS series: "Earth: the Operator's Manual"
12:15PM Lunch and Poster Session
1:00 PM Campus Sustainability Champion-awards and panel
1:40 PM PA Higher Ed Food Recovery Challenge Update, Luke Wolfgang of the U.S.  EPA and Sodexo
2:20 PM The Climate Crisis & Higher Ed's role

2:55 PM Sustainability Cafe breakout session
3:50 PM Closing Remarks

This conference is made possible by our hosts the Penn State University chapter of Net Impact and the Sustainability Institute at Penn State. Support also comes from all of PERC's sponsors, including Sodexo and Schneider Electric.  This year's poster session is fully underwritten by the Sustainability Institute. Our thanks to all.

There is much more on tap for the day... go here for the full description of the conference.

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